Drowsy Maggie
"Drowsy Maggie" (aka "Sleepy Maggie when she wakes") is a reel with a wonderful mysterious mood - I wonder what this lass is dreaming of.It was published twice by Francis O'Neill, as no. 1425 in "Music of Ireland" (1903) and no. 662 in "Dance Music of Ireland" (1907) and I believe it is Irish although it may be English.
The tune has always been very popular among Irish fiddler for obvious reasons and in England it is the standard music for the Ockington morris dance. It became even better known all over the world when it was performed in the "Titanic" movie
I have made two slightly different guiatr arrangements of the tune, the first is a fairly straight forward rendering of the tune with a bass line and a few chord notes added:The second is more elaborate with an intro featuring some simple percussion effects and a section where the tune is played with pull off note in a higehr octave: